Senior University Officers


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The Chancellor, who is usually an eminent public figure, serves as the titular head of the University and presides over all major ceremonies. The Chancellor is elected by Convocation and holds the position for their lifetime or until their resignation.


The Vice-Chancellor is the principal academic and administrative officer of the University. They are elected by Congregation to hold office for five years, with the possibility of extending by a further two years. The Vice-Chancellor provides strategic
direction and leadership to the collegiate University. They chair Council and other principal University bodies, and nominate deputies to chair others. To ensure that the governance, management and administration of the collegiate University are efficient
and effective, they work closely with Council, Congregation, the academic divisions and colleges.


The Registrar is appointed by Council and is responsible for the University’s day-to-day administration. They lead on implementing University policy and ensure that the organisation complies with legislative requirements. Reporting to the Vice-Chancellor,
the Registrar heads the central administrative departments of the University. The only departments that do not fall under the Registrar’s remit are Development, Alumni Relations and Public Affairs, which report to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Development
and External Affairs).

Further information on the Registrar's Office can be found under Professional services and University administration.


The Pro-Vice-Chancellors take lead responsibility for ensuring the successful implementation of the objectives and strategies in the University’s Strategic Plan. So called functional
Pro-Vice-Chancellors have specific responsibilities in the following areas:

  • Development and External Affairs
  • Education
  • Innovation
  • Planning and Resources
  • Research
  • Academic Resources and Information Systems

There are also a number of honorary Pro-Vice-Chancellors without portfolio, who assist the Vice-Chancellor in ceremonial matters.

Proctors and Assessor

Colleges choose the two Proctors and the Assessor. They are elected for a period of one year from among the fellow of three colleges. The colleges which appoint the Proctors and Assessor change annually by rotation.
The Proctors ensure that the statutes, regulations, customs and privileges of the University are observed. As well as being members of decision-making committees, they deal with student discipline, complaints about University matters, and the running
of University examinations. The Assessor has special responsibility for student welfare and finance.


To find out who currently holds these positions, visit Senior Officers at the University.